10 Steps to Managing Stress
If not managed with care and attentiveness stress can take a big toll in our day to day lives, leading to more severe consequences overtime. In order to improve our mental health and well being there are certain rituals we must include in our daily routines for a more balanced and satisfying life.
Since we all have different preferences and schedules, below you’ll find ten steps that serve as a guide so can select the one or two that best fits your own journey.
(1) Know your stress triggers
When we are aware of the things that triggers us it becomes easier to find a way to deal with them.
(2) Practice Mindful Eating
When eating out or ordering in we can’t always control what goes in our food but we can select the healthier dishes from the menu. Healthy habits = reduced stress
(3) Meditation
Quieting the mind and body is one the most powerful tools to help achieve a state of calmness. When we are at peace it is much easier to make better decisions.
(4) Avoid Stress Eating
Staying away from the junk cabinet or the freezer can be challenging at times. If you are one who seeks satisfaction in food when feeling stressed be prepared by filling up your cabinet with healthy “junks” such as veggie chips or shop for non-dairy and sugar free ice-creams.
(5) Aromatherapy massage
It is believed that the oils used in the process and which are absorbed by your body helps neutralize the stress and calms the mind.
(6) Exercise
The advantages to be taken from exercising are limitless! whether you prefer running, swimming, jogging or boxing, the amount of energy used it is a great valve of escape when it comes to releasing stress. So put on your best “jam” and get started.
(7) Deep relaxation bath time
If exercising is not your preferred method of killing stress, then perhaps soaking in the bathtub with some Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender might do the trick.
(8) Breathing techniques
Sometimes we are caught in the middle of the day with million task still to be fulfilled from our to do list. It can be overwhelming to just look at them and realized that is 3 pm and more than half are still pending. As easy as it may sound, this is not the best time for panicking, instead, retreat yourself to a private space and take a few deep breaths. We might not be able to manage time but we can certainly manage the way we distribute our time. The clearer the mind the easier the tasks will come to completion.
(9) Take Vitamins B and C
Studies have shown that vitamin B is closely related to stress, it is therefore recommended to supplement your body with this vitamin as often as possible. If swallowing pills or capsules are not your cup of tea you can still find this vitamin in bananas, avocados, red meats, whole grains, eggs, legumes and nuts, just to mention a few… When it comes to vitamin C all citric fruits can be great boosters.
(10) Coach Cathy Stress Relief Guided Hypnosis
Last but not least for this list, you can purchase the Stress Relief Guided Hypnosis by Coach Cathy in the audio section and sit comfortably in your favorite space while letting her guidance take your mind to a more relaxed state.